Credit Counseling

We offer tips and skills to assist you in debt relief.

Outreach Programs

At the Consumer Credit Counseling Foundation (CCCF), we strive to bring financial education and resources to individuals and families across the country. Our outreach programs are designed to provide support, advice, and resources to help people improve their financial literacy and money management skills. 


We offer a variety of outreach programs to help individuals and families gain the knowledge and skills they need to make sound financial decisions. Our free outreach programs are tailored to meet the needs of particular demographics and target specific topics, such as budgeting, debt management, and credit repair. 


Our programs are designed to be interactive and engaging, so that participants can learn the skills they need for financial success. Our outreach programs are offered in a variety of settings, including schools, community centers, and online. 


We offer a range of programs for children, teens, and adults, such as:


  • Financial Education Workshops: These workshops provide an overview of financial concepts, including budgeting, credit, debt, and saving. 


  • Credit Education Workshops: These workshops focus on credit education strategies, such as understanding credit reports and disputing errors. 


  • Debt Management Seminars: These seminars provide guidance on how to manage debt, negotiate with creditors, and develop a debt repayment plan.


  • Financial Coaching Sessions: These one-on-one sessions provide personalized advice and resources to help individuals and families improve their financial literacy and money management skills. 


At the CCCF, our goal is to empower individuals and families with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve financial success. We invite you to explore our outreach programs and join us in our mission to help people improve their financial wellbeing.

Business People


New Client Inquiry: 800-918-6709
Existing Clients Only: 800-656-6207
Our office is open from
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time.